

YouTubeでたまたま見つけた動画。J.S.バッハの半音階的幻想曲とフーガ ニ短調 BWV903




THE INDIPENDENTの記事、登録しないと読めませんけど。


Get him on prevailing attitudes to his instrument, and he really takes off, becoming very exercised about critics who, while praising his recordings, add the ritual rider that his playing “transcends the harpsichord’s limitations”. “If someone comes up to me on Twitter and says they hate the harpsichord, I always offer them a free ticket, saying come and see what you think. And nobody has ever said afterwards that they didn’t like it. They say ‘I didn’t know that it could sing like that’. But of course it can, it’s an incredibly vocal instrument. Its sound is clear and precise, and has a great deal of colour.” And the spurious contest between harpsichord and Steinway should emphatically not, he argues, be seen in terms of decibels. “That shirt you are wearing is not a ‘loud’ shirt, but it has a lot of colours in it, it’s loud in a different way. The harpsichord enables you to hear much more subtlety, and it has a sensual quality. If any pianist wants to slam it” ? and one prominent pianist routinely does ? “be ready to have a public discussion with me, and have a piano and a harpsichord ready on stage.” Any takers?

And his ultimate ambition? “To record on the harpsichord every keyboard piece Bach wrote. I reckon it will take me 20 years.” That’s him sorted, then.

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