盗まれた絵があれば、取り戻した絵もあるということで。取り戻されたのは、ピカソの孫娘宅から盗まれていた油絵2点、デッサン1点。総額80億円なのだそうです。(AFPBB News)
少しGoogle Newsで検索してみました。
‘Portrait of Jacqueline’, painted by Picasso in 1961 and ‘Maya with Doll’ which depicts the owner’s mother
As they looked like anything but Beaux-Arts students, we nabbed them straight away.
と変化しています(AFPBB News)。写真を見ると折れ曲がっていますね(;_;)
召AFP Eric Fefferberg
The two paintings were indeed in the tubes, but the dimwits had rolled them so tightly that they had made the painted surface crack,
と書かれています。ABC NEWSによると、
The Portrait of Jacqueline has been slightly marked, but should be easy to restore.Maya with Doll, however, suffered some cracks and shows signs of being roughly removed from its frame.
ということらしいです。AFPBBと報道内容が微妙に違っているのが気になります。警察当局はprofessional dealers in stolen goods
と称していますが、本当にプロ集団なんでしょうか。BRBのLoic Garnier氏が言うように、
This wasn't an amateurs' job, but I can tell these people were not art lovers."
というのは本当でしょう。OCBCのBernard Darties氏が以下のように嘆くのも頷けます・・・。
It is a sign of ignorance and stupidity to do such damage to works of art - these are unique pieces
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